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Title: Twenty-Four Negro Melodies, Op. 59

Composer: Samuel Coleridge-Taylor


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File Size: 13.18MB

File Description: Contents:
At The Dawn Of Day
The Stones Are Very Hard
Take Nabandji
They Will Not Lend Me A Child
Song Of Conquest
Warriors’ Song
The Bamboula
The Angels Changed My Name
Deep River
Didn’t My Lord Deliver Daniel?
Don’t Be Weary, Traveler
Going Up
I’m Troubled In Mind
I Was Way Down A-Yonder
Let Us Cheer The Weary Traveler
Many Thousand Gone
My Lord Delivered Daniel
Oh, He Raise A Poor Lazarus
Pilgrim’s Sing
Run, Mary, Run
Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child
Steal Away
Wade In The Water

Brought to you by: CD Sheet Music
This file also available on: American Concert Piano Music: The Ultimate Collection


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    • Chrome:
      1. Choose "Save File" in the dialog box that appears. If you aren't given the choice of where to save the file, the file will download to the folder where your other downloads normally go.
      2. Note the location where you saved the file.
    • Internet Explorer:
      1. Choose "Save" in the dialog box that appears.
      2. Note the location where you saved the file.
    • Firefox:
      1. Choose "Save File" in the dialog box that appears. If you aren't given the choice of where to save the file, the file will download to the folder where your other downloads normally go.
      2. Note the location where you saved the file.
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      1. The file will download to the folder where your other downloads normally go (usually the desktop). Note: If you aren't sure where this is or would like to change how files are downloaded, edit your preferences by going to the Safari Menu, selecting "Preferences" and then to General Tab where you can edit the download behavior for Safari.
  3. The file will be named with the composer's last name and all or part of the title (depending on the length of the title.) You may rename the file after download if you wish.